Prop Making

Always wanted that certain accessory for your model horse that we don’t currently do? Here are some ideas of how to make them! 

Haynets: Need an extra haynet? The mesh bags that oranges come in are ideal for haynets. Simply cut out a circle from the net (when u have eaten all the oranges!) and thread some string through the holes at the top.  Now you have a fully working haynet! 

Corner feed bowls: When u next visit Tescos, don’t forget to visit the Yoghurt section and buy a Muller Crunch Corner! Why? Well, the corner part of the packaging is ideal for a corner feed bowl in a stable. It is nearly identical to the real thing, white and fits into corners! You can use these bowls for either hard feed or as a water bowl. 

Stable Bedding: Essential to the comfort of your model horse. The most Usual bedding material is Straw but if you horse has a dust allergy then Paper and Hemcore bedding is perfect. This is because they are all dust extracted and so contains no aggravating dust particles.
All bedding materials are available from good pet shops but if you go to a riding school I am sure you could borrow some from there. Just remember to ask first!  Or if you are feeling artistic and want to make some paper bedding, simply cut up paper with some scissors! 

Hay and Food:
Also Essential! Model horses don’t like to be hungry!  The best way to feed hay is in a haynet so it doesn’t go everywhere and make a mess. It also takes the horse longer to eat it!

Hard Feed. Kellogg’s Frosties make perfect maize when broken up into smaller pieces. Flour, sugar and spices can be used to look like vitamins and supplements given to your model horse to help him keep in tiptop shape 

Jumps: Have a wander around your garden or whilst wandering out and about, look out for wooden twigs. When placed into a heap or arranged these make ideal rustic jumps. Also larger twigs and logs make good cross-country jumps.
Straight pieces of wood painted make perfect trotting poles. To make your show jumping course look fantastic, simply add some decorative pots in front of the fence.  Little plants or plastic flowers can make ideal displays. If you are looking for small pots, on your next trip to B&Q or Wyevale Garden Centre keep an eye out for some! They have some nice small pots, which are ideal. 

Grass and other surfaces:
Artificial grass makes a great “field”. The best place to buy this is at garden centres like B&Q or Wyevale. Some carpet shops also stock this item so try them too! Green carpet also gives a great effect too. For Dressage and outdoor arenas use sand to give that authentic look. For Racetracks as well, also use sand. Soil also makes a good surface but don’t get it near water, as it will go all gooey!

NB: When using sand and soil to enhance your model horses living area indoors, remember to put something underneath it. You don’t want to get it on the carpet, as it is quite hard to clean up.

A kitchen tray is quite handy for creating an arena in the comfort of your home.